Knowing When The End Is Near.
The decision of when to say good bye to a beloved pet and companion is one of the most difficult choices an owner will have to make. We will support the pet owner through this process, and provide a quality-of-life consult if requested. Any possible treatment options can be discussed and explored, which may give your pet additional quality time. Sometimes, pet owners need a veterinarian to confirm with them that humane euthanasia is the kindest option. When the time has come, we do everything in our power to make the process as peaceful as possible for both the pet, and the owners.
Owners are always welcome to be present with their pet for a euthanasia, although it is not mandatory. Pain medication and a sedative will be given to your pet to help them relax and be comfortable, and a catheter will be placed into a vein prior to the final injection being administered. Owners are welcome to have additional time with their pet if requested, before and after the euthanasia.
“Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you..I loved you so- ’twas Heaven here with you.”
– Isla Paschal Richardson

We have partnered with Brighton Pet Cremations for all of the after-euthanasia care requirements for your pet, whether that be communal cremation, or private cremation with ashes returned. We have been impressed with the respectful and compassionate care that they provide.
Grief Resources
Making the decision is never an easy one, we recommend using quality of life charts to help guide discussions among family members and also to make that choice.
Lap Of Love
Tips around the holidays
Online & phone support group
Tips for Parents
Printable Resources
Pet EmergenciesFor emergencies outside our clinic hours, please contact
Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic & Services – 905.885.5321
The Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Hospital – 705.741.5832
Quinte Regional Pet Hospital – 613.968.9956